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- Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability
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- Feather River Academy
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- Pathways Charter Academy
- School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities
- Shady Creek
- Special Education
- Student Support & Outreach
- Sutter County Career Training Center
- Sutter County One Stop
- Technology Services
- Tri-County Induction Program
- Tri-County ROP
Tri-County Induction Program
The Tri-County Induction Program (TCIP) is an approved and accredited educator program by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. TCIP is a consortium providing service to fulfill professional clear credential requirements for multiple and single subject, education specialist, career technical education, and administrative services credential holders. Utilizing a locally designed formative assessment system, credential candidates apply pre-service knowledge and experience with the assistance of a trained mentor or coach.
Based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) or California Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL), support is specific, job-embedded and evidence-based. The Induction Program partners with the candidates’ school site, district office and county office leadership to provide a contextualized growth experience.
This program assists candidates in analyzing and reflecting upon the best practices of their own teaching or leadership skills through the use of a formative assessment supported by a veteran mentor or coach. The mission of the Tri-County Induction Program is to prepare educators and educational leaders to create a diverse, equitable, inclusive and collaborative learning environment where all students achieve social and academic success.
For more information regarding our Teacher Induction Program (TIP), Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) Program, or Career Technical Education (CTE) Program, please reach out to Rachel Mecham at rachelm@sutter.k12.ca.us.