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The Tri-County Technical Education Program (TCCTE) aspires to create a collaborative learning community that is committed to the ongoing growth and retention of new and veteran teachers while promoting habits of equity and effective instruction.
The Sutter County Superintendent of Schools (SCSOS) Tri-County Career Technical Education Program is a two-year, state accredited CTE Teacher Educator Preparation Program. CTE candidates participate in educator preparation courses created specifically to meet the needs of new CTE teachers and are aligned to the CTE standards. Through the duration of this two-year program, CTE candidates are assigned veteran teachers as mentors to assist them with the realities of being a classroom teacher as well as coaching them through the ins and outs of teaching Career Technical Education courses. TCCTE is committed to supporting effective educators and lifelong learners as teachers for all students in California. Candidates will complete four growth plans documenting their learning based on the Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE) in year one, and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) in year two.
The Preliminary or Clear Designated Subject CTE Credential authorizes the holder to teach in the subject(s) named on the credential in grades 12 and below and in classes organized primarily for adults, in career technical instruction courses. 

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  • Preliminary CTE Credential
  • Employment in a teaching position aligned to the industry sector as listed on the preliminary credential
  • Completed Candidate Enrollment Form

Program Support

  • CTE Orientation
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Monthly feedback
  • Ongoing professional learning and networking

Course and Fieldwork

  • CTE Teach Early Orientation online modules
  • One-on-one mentoring with an experienced teacher holding the same credential and/or experience in candidate's industry sector
  • Asynchronous coursework meeting all CTE standards
  • A formative assessment focusing on a job-embedded goal based on the standards and elements of the TPE (Year 1) and CSTP (Year 2)
  • Professional learning and networking with peers
  • End-of-program collaboration and celebration for candidate completion

Program Completion

  • 135+ hours of approved professional preparation aligned to the state-adopted 7-12 CTE curriculum standards and framework
  • One Growth Plan (formative assessment) per cycle, with thorough reflections and proficient scores, for a total of four cycles over two years
  • Electronic portfolio of evidence, inquiry, and self-assessment
  • Attend end-of-program session
  • Completion of TCIP coursework: Introduction to CTE, Advanced CTE, and Teaching English Learners

NOTE: Additional coursework offered outside of induction is required prior to recommendation of a clear CTE credential
