- Departments
- General Information
- Administrative Services
- Adult Education
- Business Services
- Communications
- Cosmetology
- Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability
- Educational Services
- Facilities, Maintenance, Operations and Fleet
- Feather River Academy
- Human Resources
- Pathways Charter Academy
- School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities
- Shady Creek
- Special Education
- Student Support & Outreach
- Sutter County Career Training Center
- Sutter County One Stop
- Technology Services
- Tri-County Induction Program
- Tri-County ROP
Severe Disability
These classes are designed primarily for students with moderate to severe disabilities whose IEP teams have determined that they require specialized instruction for a majority of the school day using an alternative curriculum that focuses on applied or functional academics. This alternative curriculum teaches basic academics as they apply to daily living. This may involve instruction in community sites off of the school campus. As the student approaches high school, prevocational skills become a key component of the curriculum as well. This curriculum is based upon state approved standards-based curriculum guides. The primary goal of these classes is to prepare
students to function effectively in current and future home, school, community, and work environments. Students enrolled in these classes earn a high school certificate and typically go on to participate in an adult transition class. A teacher with a credential authorizing instruction of students with moderate to severe disabilities and one instructional assistant are assigned to each class. Additional instructional assistants are provided as determined necessary to implement developed IEPs and maintain the safety of students and staff.
students to function effectively in current and future home, school, community, and work environments. Students enrolled in these classes earn a high school certificate and typically go on to participate in an adult transition class. A teacher with a credential authorizing instruction of students with moderate to severe disabilities and one instructional assistant are assigned to each class. Additional instructional assistants are provided as determined necessary to implement developed IEPs and maintain the safety of students and staff.