- Departments
- General Information
- Administrative Services
- Adult Education
- Business Services
- Communications
- Cosmetology
- Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability
- Educational Services
- Facilities, Maintenance, Operations and Fleet
- Feather River Academy
- Human Resources
- Pathways Charter Academy
- School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities
- Shady Creek
- Special Education
- Student Support & Outreach
- Sutter County Career Training Center
- Sutter County One Stop
- Technology Services
- Tri-County Induction Program
- Tri-County ROP
These classes are designed for students with moderate disabilities due to having a behavioral disability, Asperger’s syndrome, high functioning autism, or other related language-based disorders who require an educational environment focused on classroom-wide instruction in the development of behavior management, communication and social skills. This program provides intensive intervention within a self-contained class for the majority of the school day. The primary goal is to return the students to full-time enrollment in the general education program with continuing support in social skills as needed. A teacher with a credential authorizing instruction of students with mild to moderate or moderate to severe disabilities plus additional training and/or experience in autism spectrum disorders, behavior disorders, or speech and language development is assigned to each self-contained class. One instructional assistant is recommended for each class. Additional instructional assistants are provided as determined necessary to implement developed IEPs and maintain the safety of students and staff.