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Professional Development
The Professional Development Coordinators in the Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability department promote student learning and success by supporting the educators of Sutter County and beyond. Supports are designed to ensure LEAs are current with content frameworks, standards, and curriculum, positioning all students of Sutter County to achieve their highest potential. In the rapidly changing world of education, our coordinators are able to use current, research based information to advance the practice of teaching in order to best support student learning through one-on-one coaching, targeted whole-staff professional learning, and county-wide collaboration opportunities.

Heather Parker
Professional Development Coordinator I
(530) 822-2984

Kelsey Holmes
Professional Development Coordinator II
(530) 822-2938
Some of what is going on:

High 5 for ALL is a county-wide initiative to support the development of academic language for all students in all subject areas. Currently eleven districts from throughout Sutter County are participating in a series of professional learning sessions with Theresa Hancock. During each session, teacher leaders throughout the county gain knowledge of and practice with five highly effective instructional routines. These routines are then taken back to school sites to be learned and implemented by all.

UPK, Universal Prekindergarten, is an umbrella term that includes the California State Preschool Program (CSPP), Transitional Kindergarten at the California Department of Education, as well as Head Start, district and local community-based preschool programs, early learning services for students with disabilities, private pay preschool, and expanded learning options to support access to a full day of services.
Resources: Frameworks and Standards
Resources: Frameworks and Standards![]()
Resources: Frameworks and Standards