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- School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities
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- Tri-County Induction Program
- Tri-County ROP
School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities
Region 3: Capital Service Region
Counties: Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sierra, Sutter, Sacramento, Yolo and Yuba
Counties: Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sierra, Sutter, Sacramento, Yolo and Yuba

The Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Office has been involved in the School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (SMAA) program since 1998 and is the host entity for the Capital Service Region (Region 3) Local Educational Consortium (LEC) statewide SMAA program. The Capital Service Region (Region 3) aligned with the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) regions. Region 3 serves Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties.
The SMAA program allows school districts and county offices to be reimbursed federal dollars for costs incurred while performing certain administrative activities. Employees record the time worked on these activities one week each quarter, and then a claim is submitted based on this information.
Administrative activities that facilitate enrollment into Medi-Cal and assisting students and families to access Medi-Cal services such as:
- Outreach - Providing Medi-Cal information to students and their families. Initial referral of students to medical services.
Facilitating Applications - Referring or assisting families with the Medi-Cal applications.
- Monitoring, Coordination, or Referral to Medi-Cal covered services - such as; speech, OT, PT, counseling, and any follow-up on these issues.
- Arranging transportation to medical services within the community or IEP services at the school site.
- Translation - Arranging or providing translation for medical services, e.g. speech, counseling.
- Program Planning. Policy Development, and Interagency Coordination - Developing strategies to improve the delivery or coordination of medical services.
Allowable costs may include the salaries and benefits of the staff performing the activities, applicable operating expenses, and appropriate overhead expenses. SMAA is a Federal Financial Participation (FFP) program, which requires a non-federal match. Approved SMAA costs are reimbursed at fifty percent (50%). Revenue is unrestricted!